The Basics of Shelf Styling

Are you someone cursed, or shall I say blessed, with built-in shelves in your home? Or perhaps you’re someone who loves to collect various objects or can’t seem to toss those old books? Either way, here are a few tips and tricks to create balanced, stylish shelves and bring out one of your homes greatest assets!



Step One: Start by clearing everything out. This may sound like a daunting task, but it’s easiest to gather a vision when you have a completely clean slate. Start by creating three piles – keep, toss, donate. As you begin to clear out your shelves, you’ll quickly realize which items are no longer needed! Keep those family heirlooms, framed photos, or even antique trays and dishes. These items are timeless when it comes to shelf styling!

Step Two: Select your color palette. Once you decide on your color palette, stick with it! Mismatched books, frames, and boxes will make your shelves feel cluttered and disorganized. You may decide to keep the majority of your items neutral – which will allow you to incorporate pops of color through art and personal accessories.

Step Three: Add back in your largest items. Larger frames and artwork are perfect for leaning on the back of the shelves. These create height and texture and are wonderful pieces to ground your decor!


Step Four: Books! While not a necessity for every shelf, books will add the cozy, lived in feel that your home is looking for!  Home design and travel books typically have unique spines that will bring your shelves to life. Not only do they add color, but they are great conversation starters! Remember to vary the direction by stacking, laying flat with a small vase or candle on top, and standing others upright! For those who want a monotone look to their shelves, you can always remove the book jacket and use books of varied neutral tones. 

Step Five: Layer in a few pieces of greenery to add texture and visual interest. Live plants are always a beautiful touch but keep in mind that hard to reach higher shelves might be a better location to add in some maintenance free faux greenery!



Step Six: Lastly add in your smallest decor pieces of frames, candles, bookends etc. But remember, less is more! Don't be afraid to step back, remove some items and allow for open space on your shelves. This will put more focus on the special items that you love and have curated for your space!


Now that your shelves are complete, we would love to see how you pulled them together. Tag us on Facebook or Instagram (@SundayHomeDesigns) and show us your creation!